Egzorcysta (Wersja reżyserska)

Marka: Magic Box
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Exorcist: Extended Director´s Cut (1973), directed by: William Friedkin

Regan behaves strangely. With each passing day her condition worsens. When her face and body begin to twist unnaturally and a demonic voice begins to sound from her mouth, an exorcist must be summoned.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Contains 1 Ultra HD Blu-ray disc

  • Video in Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)
  • HDR (HDR-10 )
  • Extended cut from 2010
  • Aspect ratio 1.85:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos

Do I get native 4k Ultra HD?

Yes. Friedkin's classic was shot on classic 35mm analogue film. This has the advantage of a theoretical resolution of around 6k and is great for archiving. So the studio could have reached into the vaults for the original negatives when creating the new transfer, cleaned and therefore completely restored them - and then scanned them in 4k for the new master. The latter is able to combine the advantages of both old and new technology into an absolutely perfect spectacle: Native 4k extracts almost the maximum image information from the film, both in terms of detail and in terms of brightness range and colour tones. Ultra HD transfer then presents this information in the best possible quality: HEVC takes care of visuals free of compression artefacts, while preserving film characteristics including grain; Ultra HD resolution then provides ample room for the maximum amount of image information; HDR and WCG on top of that carry all available luminance and tonal 'data' and present it in a form that pockets both the original cinema projections in the days of the premiere and many films shot on digital cameras today. This film has never looked better.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ultra HD Blu-ray
Český dabing: Dolby Digital 5.1
České titulky: ano
Slovenský dabing: Bez SK dabingu
Slovenské titulky: ne
? Dźwięk: Angielski, Francuski (europejski), Włoski, Niemiecki, Hiszpański
? Subtitles: English for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Chinese (Simplified), Spanish (Castilian), Swedish
Původní znění: Dolby Atmos
? Master: 4k
? HDR: HDR-10
Snímková frekvence: 24fps (23.976)
? Typ UHDBD: BD-66
Počet UHDBD: 1
Délka: 132 minut


Nie wypełniaj tego pola:
ZH Avatar of author | 30.9.2023
The Exorcist je mistrovské dílo a v Prodloužené verzi je to supr!! 4K Ultra HD je bezesporu špičkově remasterovaný a český dabing je kupodivu prostorově fakt dobrej 2.0 , ale v originálu je to mnohem desivější !!! Zvuk i obraz je maximální !
Nie wypełniaj tego pola:
L Avatar of author 23.9.2023 12:23
To vyšlo takhle těsně před premiérou dvojky, pecka :)
M Avatar of author Lol 23.8.2023 10:51
Exorcista a Graffiti, rovnaký rok výroby, rovnako jeden disk (len UHD), rovnako bez bonusov a rozdiel v cene 100 cz korún, lol