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Marka: Magic Box
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Roman Holiday (1953), directed by: William Wyler

Bored and shunned, Princess Anna (Audrey Hepburn) escapes her guardians and meets an American journalist in Rome, who initially wants to use her for a story, but soon falls in love with her.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Contains 1 disc

4k Ultra HD Blu-ray

  • Video in Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)
  • HDR (HDR-10 + Dolby Vision)
  • Aspect ratio 1.37:1
  • Original audio in Dolby TrueHD 2.0
  • BD-66 (double-layer UHDBD)

Do I get native 4k Ultra HD?

Yes. This romantic classic was made at a time when analogue film material was the only way to go. This allowed the studio to return to the original 35mm negatives, which they restored to get the absolute visual maximum out of them. Therefore, we can expect the best possible look from the disc, not only thanks to the 4k resolution, but also thanks to the HDR capabilities, which, although it doesn't get the colours, can enrich the black-and-white material thanks to advanced contrast work.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ultra HD Blu-ray
Český dabing: Bez CZ dabingu
České titulky: ano
Slovenský dabing: Bez SK dabingu
Slovenské titulky: ne
? Dźwięk: Angielski, Francuski (europejski), Japoński, Niemiecki
? Subtitles: English, English for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Czech, French (European), German, Japanese, Korean
Původní znění: Dolby TrueHD 2.0
? Master: 4k
? HDR: HDR-10, Dolby Vision
Snímková frekvence: 24fps (23.976)
? Typ UHDBD: BD-66
Počet UHDBD: 1
Délka: 118 minut

Trailer (Původní znění)

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V Avatar of author 30.8.2023 18:29
Marek: Ten film se měl točit barevně ale kvůli tomu, že se netočil v L.A. ale v Římě, studio snížilo rozpočet a nezbyly peníze! :/ Fakt škoda.
N Avatar of author colour 14.8.2023 16:27
Skoda, ze ten film neobarvili. aby vypadal stejne jako na 4K BD coveru! A cestina by taky potesila. Dabing myslim existuje.
M Avatar of author 23.8.2023 10:56
Ak by to ofarbili vyzeralo by to otrasne. Jedine, ak by sa film nakrúcal farebne, ale aj čierno-biela má svoje čaro, hoci Roman Holiday a aj film From Here to Eternity si priam žiadali aby boli nakrútené farebne