Transformers: Ostatni Rycerz

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Transformers 5: The Last Knight (2017), directed by: Michael Bay

Optimus Prime has disappeared, the Transformers are on the run, and Earth is threatened by an ancient civilization whose roots go back to the Knights of the Round Table. It's time to ask the Autobots for help again.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Contains 3 discs

 Ultra HD Blu-ray

  • Video in Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)
  • HDR (HDR-10 + Dolby Vision)
  • Variable aspect ratio 1.85:1 - 2.35:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos
  • Polish subtitles
  • Polish audio in Dolby Digital 5.1
  • BD-100 (triple-layer UHDBD)

Blu-ray with film

  • Video in Full HD
  • Variable aspect ratio 1.85:1 - 2.35:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos
  • Polish subtitles
  • Polish audio in Dolby Digital 5.1

Special features Blu-ray

  • The merging of mythologies
  • Creating destruction: inside the former car factory
  • Involvement of the army
  • On the scrapheap
  • Royal care: Transformers in the UK
  • Spells and motors
  • Extraterrestrial Landscape: Cybertron
  • Another gigantic brawler

(94 minutes)

Do I get native 4k ULTRA HD?

Michael Bay certainly didn't underestimate the production of the fifth Transformers and turned to the latest recording technologies such as Red Epic Dragon, Red Weapon Dragon, or Red Weapon Helium, which shoots in 8k resolution. At the forefront of these, however, was the Arri Alexa IMAX dual-strip setup, which is a pair of modified Arri Alexa 65 cameras (i.e., cameras with a digital chip that is the equivalent in size to 65mm film). These recorded native 3D at 6.5k resolution. All of this footage was then post-produced in 2k due to the extreme difficulty of digital effects, as this is the resolution at which the VFX was created. The master of Fifth Transformers therefore stopped at 2k resolution, and will be upscaled for UHDBD purposes. But the film has already been colorized for theaters in HDR, IMAX and Dolby Vision, which with Bay's visuals promises tremendous visual potential. The Last Knight is additionally the first Paramount studio title to be released with Dolby Vision alongside HDR-10.


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ultra HD Blu-ray
Český dabing: Dolby Digital 5.1
České titulky: ano
Slovenský dabing: Bez SK dabingu
Slovenské titulky: ne
? Dźwięk: Czeski, Polski, Angielski, Hindsky, Rosyjski, Tajski, Turecki
? Subtitles: English, Arabic, Cantonese, Complex Mandarin, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian
Původní znění: Dolby Atmos
? Master: 2k
? HDR: HDR-10, Dolby Vision
Snímková frekvence: 24fps (23.976)
? Typ UHDBD: BD-100
? Prémiové formáty: IMAX Digital, Arri Alexa 65 mm
Počet BD: 2
Délka: 151 minut
Počet UHDBD: 1
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Film o filmu (CZ titulky)

Trailer 1 (CZ dabing)

Trailer 2 (CZ titulky)

Trailer 3 (CZ titulky)

TV Spot (CZ titulky)

Nie wypełniaj tego pola:
Avatar of author | 24.11.2024
Jeden z nejlepších 4k obrazů a Dolby Atmos zvuků co jsem mohl slyšet a vidět 👍prehrano na reproduktorech značky Klipsch a je to vážně pecka 👍👍😀
Avatar of author | 5.4.2024
+ - jsem spokojen, je asi to nejlepší film z celé série. Výborný obraz i Atmos zvuk

ZH Avatar of author | 5.11.2021
Špička dokonalý zvuk !! Dolby Vision luxus HDR max zvuk ,to vše je dokonalost !!! Transformers ve 4K ULTRA !!!
FH Avatar of author | 16.11.2017
Nie wypełniaj tego pola:

Kontrola bezpieczeństwa

R Avatar of author Vizuální pecka. 26.10.2017 18:42
Nejlepší 4k Blu-ray co jsem zatím po obrazové stránce viděl a to hodnotím jen HDR,Dolby Vision musí být masakr.O proti běžnému Blu-ray disku je to monstrózní skok co se týče barev a nasvícení jednotlivých scén.Dolby Atmos stopa nemá chybu.Jediná škoda je,že ten film je naprostá hovadina.
MC Avatar of author 27.10.2017 19:34
Díky! ;)
R Avatar of author 27.10.2017 16:45
Transformers jsou po obrazové stránce o kousek lepší než Pacific Rim.Jinak co se týče zhovadilosti tak tam jasně vedou Transformeři.
MC Avatar of author srovnání s Pacific Rim 27.10.2017 11:56
pro mě to je doposud Pacific Rim... pokud máte oba, můžete je srovnat? jak obraz, tak i "zhovadilost"? :-)