Ciche miejsce Kolekcja 1-3

Marka: Magic Box
Release date 09/10
Możliwości transportowe

A Quiet Place + A Quiet Place Part II /A Quiet Place Part 2 + A Quiet Place: Day One (2018, 2020, 2024) directed by: John KrasinskiMichael Sarnoski

If they can't hear you, they can't hunt you. Earth has been overrun by aliens capable of hunting the source of the slightest sound. Can the Lee family survive in this terrifying world? And how did the invasion happen in the first place?

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Contains 3 discs

Ciche miejsce on Blu-ray

  • Video in Full HD
  • Aspect ratio 2.40:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos
  • Polish subtitles
  • Polish audio in Dolby Digital 5.1

Special features

  • Creating silence - Making of (14:45 min.)
  • Sound of Darkness - Sound Editing (9:43 min.)
  • Reason for silence - visual effects (7:32 min.)

(approx. 31 minutes)

Ciche miejsce 2 on Blu-ray

  • Video in Full HD
  • Aspect ratio 2.39:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos
  • Polish subtitles
  • Polish VO audio in Dolby Digital 5.1

Special features

  • Director´s Journal (9:38 min.)
  • VFX and special audio effects (8:26 min.)
  • Behind the curtain (3:47 min.)

Ciche miejsce: Dzień pierwszy on Blu-ray

  • Video in Full HD
  • Aspect ratio 2.39:1
  • Original audio in Dolby Atmos
  • Polish subtitles
  • Polish audio in Dolby Digital 5.1

Special features

  • Deleted And Extended Scenes
  • Day Zero: Beginnings And Endings
  • In The City: Chaos In Chinatown
  • The Exodus: Against The Tide
  • The Long Walk: Monsters In Midtown
  • Pizza At The End Of The World

(50 minutes)


Trailer 2

Trailer 3

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