Plakat Star Wars - Mandalorian: Boba Fett

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Star Wars - Mandalorian: Boba Fett, Poster

Disney+'s Mandalorian series is a phenomenon. It also brought the fearsome bounty hunter Boba Fett back into the consciousness of Star Wars fans, helping Mando on a crucial mission and earning his own spin-off.

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  • Based on the Star Wars saga
  • Disney+´s The Mandalorian licence
  • Depiction of legendary fearsome bounty hunter
  • Text: Boba Fett and The Mandalorian logo

  • Height 91,5 cm
  • Width 61 cm
  • Material: Paper

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Prezenty filmowe
Materiál: papír
Výška: 91,5 cm
Šířka: 61 cm

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