Poster Gra o tron: Dracarys

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Game of Thrones - Dracarys, Poster

Daenerys Targaryen intended to conquer Westeros with the help of her three dragons. The greatest of which was Drogon. With one command, he burned everything to the ground: Dracarys!

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu


  • Based on the George R. R. Martin books and a HBO TV show Game of Thrones
  • Depiction of the dragon Drogon
  • Dracarys sign comes out of the flames
  • Game of Thrones logo

  • Width 91,5 cm
  • Height 61 cm
  • Material: Paper

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Prezenty filmowe
Materiál: papír
Výška: 91,5 cm
Šířka: 61 cm

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